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I Am On To Bigger Things

Doja Cat's "Demons" Lyrics: A Reflection on Society's Judgment

"I Am On To Bigger Things..."

In "Demons," Doja Cat confronts the harsh criticism she faced after shaving her head in 2022. The lyrics reveal her struggle to navigate the expectations and judgments of society. She defiantly declares, "I am on to bigger things," refusing to let the opinions of others define her.

"You Live Like Me In Your..."

Doja Cat challenges the superficiality of those who judge her, suggesting that they live similar lives but hide behind a facade. She points out their hypocrisy and calls out their double standards.

"I Let All That Get to My Head"

The song also reflects Doja Cat's own vulnerability. She confesses to letting the criticism get to her, but ultimately chooses to rise above it. The lyrics convey her resilience and determination to overcome the obstacles in her path.

"I Don't Care I Paint the..."

Doja Cat's defiant attitude is evident throughout the song. She refuses to be silenced or constrained by others' expectations. She embraces her individuality and declares her right to express herself without fear of judgment.
